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- Emergence of chiral oscillations in massive crowds
François Gu*, Benjamin Guiselin*, Nicolas Bain, Iker Zuriguel and Denis Bartolo
Nature 638, 112-119 (2025)
See also News & views by Antoine Tordeux

- Curvature heterogeneities act as singular perturbations to smooth Laplacian fields: a fluid mechanics demonstration
Stéphane Guillet*, Benjamin Guiselin*, Mariem Boughzala, Vassili Desages and Denis Bartolo
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 188201 (2023)

- Thirty Milliseconds in the Life of a Supercooled Liquid
Camille Scalliet*, Benjamin Guiselin* and Ludovic Berthier
Phys. Rev. X 12, 041028 (2022)

- Static self-induced heterogeneity in glass-forming liquids: Overlap as a microscope
Benjamin Guiselin, Gilles Tarjus and Ludovic Berthier
J. Chem. Phys. 156, 194503 (2022)
Featured article

- Microscopic origin of excess wings in relaxation spectra of supercooled liquids
Benjamin Guiselin*, Camille Scalliet* and Ludovic Berthier
Nat. Phys. 18, 468-472 (2022)
See also News & views by Reiner Zorn

- Statistical mechanics of coupled supercooled liquids in finite dimensions
Benjamin Guiselin, Ludovic Berthier and Gilles Tarjus
SciPost Phys. 12, 091 (2022)

- Excess wings and asymmetric relaxation spectra in a facilitated trap model
Camille Scalliet*, Benjamin Guiselin* and Ludovic Berthier
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 064505 (2021)

- On the overlap between configurations in glassy liquids
Benjamin Guiselin, Gilles Tarjus and Ludovic Berthier
J. Chem. Phys. 153, 224502 (2020)

- Stable glassy configurations of the Kob–Andersen model using swap Monte Carlo
Anshul D. S. Parmar, Benjamin Guiselin and Ludovic Berthier
J. Chem. Phys. 153, 134505 (2020)

- Random-field Ising model criticality in a glass-forming liquid
Benjamin Guiselin, Ludovic Berthier and Gilles Tarjus
Phys. Rev. E 102, 042129 (2020)

- Dynamic Morphologies and Stability of Droplet Interface Bilayers
Benjamin Guiselin, Jack O. Law, Buddhapriya Chakrabarti and Halim Kusumaatmaja
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 238001 (2018)

(* Equal contribution)


- Le verre est-il une phase de la matière ?
Benjamin Guiselin and Ludovic Berthier
Reflets Phys. 74, 28-33 (2022)
In French

- Is glass a state of matter?
B. Guiselin, G. Tarjus, and L. Berthier
Phys. Chem. Glasses 63, 136-144 (2022)


- Metastable states in model glass-formers
Benjamin Guiselin